We’ve been submitting memory-related items to the Cincinnati regional papers (and Cincinnati.com) on a monthly basis since early 2015

Here’s a listing of the articles (the articles are also HERE in .PDF format, if you’re unable to read the Cincinnati.com articles or want them in this format)

Jewelry Boxes in southeast Cincinnati (Amazing Medical Advances, wonderful medical personnel, BoaL reduces stress)

Stories Behind Your Stuff_Electronic Memory of Your Keepsakes (pictures, video of items in your life; 8/2017)

Pictures_Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It (limiting, labeling your hard-copy and electronic pictures; 7/2017)

Biking Beginnings…and Considerations (Eli Joyce’s impact on BG youth, thanking “the Eli figures” (important people) in your past; requests of drivers and bikers, 5/2017)

Importance of the Printed Word (valuing the printed word with word and dollars, 2/2017)

Treat Yourself Like Royalty (assuring all information is clear at “The End”, 01/2017)

Transformed Again and Again (Lessons Learned from 4 mentors/friends who died in 2016; 12/2016)

Spreading Joy This Holiday Season (Picture summary, experiences this year, describing an acquired item; 12/2016)

Remember Your First U.S. Presidential Vote? (Assuring your voting registration is current, 9/2016)

“Having a coffee” – just sharing a sentence or two… (Spending a minute or two in conversation, 8/2016)

“BoaL, Precious Memories…and Preparation”   (Paramedic One-Pager, 07/2016)

“Memories and Song” (Music provides great reminders of times past, 03/2016)

“Spreadin’ the Love” (Valentine’s Day, “Tell Me About Yourself…” 02/2016)

“Let There Be Peace on Earth” (Resolving to Be More Peaceable 01/2016)

“Summarize Your Year” (Making Time to Summarize Your Year 12/2015)

“Seven Score and Twelve Years Ago…” (Being Thankful and Telling People That You Are! 11/2015)

“It Was The Best of Times,…” (Good-To-Go Toolkit, Living Will, Durable PoA efforts for your BoaL**; 10/2015)

“You Have the Choice to Love What You Do” (making your “job” a satisfying part of your life; 9/2015)

What’s In Your Backpack? (what are those “must have with you” items?, 8/2015)

What’s Your Recipe For Living a Significant Life? (acquiring, summarizing and sharing wisdom, 7/2015)

Feeling the Warmth All Year Long… (Connecting with Family/Friends, 6/2015)

There’s No Sweeter Sound… (Memorial Day theme, 5/2015)

Sending a Message Instead of an Apple (Gratitude for Efforts of Others, 4/2015)

Less Sunshine Have You Singing the Blues? (Scheduling an Event Possible? 3/2015)

Time for Memories to Spring Like Flowers… (Cards to Family/Friends, 2/2015)

** BoaL (Binder of a Lifetime)

It’s pleasing to know that folks appreciate what we’ve written. Here is a webpage with some of the feedback we’ve received…

Website designed, organized and shared by Long Memories, LLC